Our Story

Married in 1991, Robin and Donna Burns dreamed of having a farm. Robin’s gift for building and design and Donna’s love for animals and growing things pushed them to search for land where they could build their dream. In 1996, Hollyberry Farm was established. Tractors, hay bailers, trucks and heavy equipment filled Robin’s toy chest as a child. Playing in the dirt and visiting his grandparent’s farm in South Carolina fueled his vision of one day living on a farm. Today those toys and their life-sized replicas fill our barn. Donna grew up on a farm. As a little girl, Donna’s mom took her to visit friends who kept bees. She became mesmerized by the honeybees. It boggled her mind to realize that each hive was home to over 50,000 bees and that it took one bee a lifetime to make a tablespoon of honey. The elderly beekeeper sent her home with a jar of honey. The memory of hot “cat-head” (a Southern delicacy) biscuits and smooth golden honey still creates memories of bright Saturday mornings, sunshine, and the good life! She vowed that one day she would keep bees too! Almost Immediately after establishing Hollyberry Farm, four honeybee colonies were installed on the farm. Robin has grown the apiary to over 75 hives and has become a dedicated and knowledgeable beekeeper. Blessed to call Hollyberry Farm home, Robin and Donna call farm life the best life!

Story Gallery

“The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land.” Deuteronomy 28:8.

Coaley Keeper – The CEO of Hollyberry Farm Coaley is a Rough Collie, also known as a Scottish Collie or Scottish Shepherd. These dogs are known for friendly, intelligent, and loyal dispositions. They became famous due to the Lassie book, TV, and movie franchise. Coaley’s name came from the Scottish word “collie.” We met Coaley when he was 8 weeks old, and we knew immediately that he was a “keeper.” So, we named our precious friend and constant companion, Coaley Keeper. However, he has many nicknames and seems to answer to all. Some nicknames are love man, love dog, sweet boy, man-dog, love boat, puppy, etc. Coaley’s leadership skills as a CEO include fierce loyalty for his humans and kind, but firm direction to the inhabitants of Hollyberry Farm. Coaley loves everyone and everyone loves Coaley. Robin, misplaced Coaley one day on the farm and began searching for him. He found him asleep in the barn in the hay with chickens walking around him. The chickens were happily minding their business and allowing Coaley to nap. Coaley has a side kick who is always nearby. Pectin, a Maine Coon cat, is Coaley’s shadow and tracks him all over the farm. Whomever coined the phrases “fights like cats and dogs” or “cats and dogs cannot get along,” never met a combo like Coaley and Pectin.

Pectin Pectin arrived at Hollyberry Farm as a tiny kitten only a few weeks old. Sadly, someone had abandoned Pectin and he set out to find a new family. As a tiny kitten, he found our driveway and walked over ½ mile down the driveway to find us and adopt us. It was meant to be! All farms need a cat . . . we just didn’t know that until Pectin arrived on the scene. As we were searching for a name for our new kitten, we were reminded of my mother in law’s favorite football player, Payton Manning. We loved the fact that she thought his name was Pectin . . . not Payton . . . and we decided Pectin was an ideal name for our new kitten. Pectin is a sweet, affectionate cat and is Coaley’s best pal.